
Blog entry

barbarapvn - Apr 11, 2013 - 21:01 (CET)

For those who are used to writing on the internet, markdown is an interesting, fast and efficient approach. Markdown is a simple way to add formatting to web texts. By formatting we mean italics, bold, lists, and more, in plain text - for example, the text we find in the HTML viewer of blog editors, or in Windows Notepad, to make the concept more accessible. Markdown was originally created by John Gruber, with the help of Aaron Swartz, for the purpose of creating plain text that was easy to write and easy to read, and that could be easily and validly converted to XHTML.


31 July, 2019 by Lluís Codina

The purpose of this entry is twofold: on the one hand, to review the proposals of the Committee on Publication Ethics, or COPE (from which we have extracted the above quote) in relation to who is justified in appearing as co-author of an article, and on the other, to present them accompanied by good practices from a pragmatism that not only is not at odds with COPE, but also helps to place them in the context of current academic production. This is why we speak of both ethics and pragmatism in the title.

