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About #YoSigoUGR

What defines #YoSigoUGR?

Courses with cross-cutting themes. Our courses are focused on cross-cutting issues that affect all scientific and academic communities, specialising mainly in issues related to publication, communication, evaluation of scientific results and teaching methods, always from an applied and practical perspective. We also offer courses on work organisation, R&D project development, scientific careers, research methods, e-leargin and much more.
Education and open science. All #YoSigoUGR courses are recorded via Google Meet, then recorded by Google Meet. are uploaded to YouTube and are included in this platform to centralise all the materials generated. The courses are recorded openly for the whole community using Creative Commons licences and, therefore, contribute to a model of education and open science in line with the current times and a public university.
Dynamic bottom-up community. We attach importance to the building of a community through a participatory dynamic that encourages both students and teachers to act at times as both identifiers of needs and teachers, bringing the best of their experience and knowledge to the group. It is therefore a community Peer-to-Peer You can get to know, interact and participate in our community at Telegram where we answer doubts, questions, disseminate information, and so on. 
Global learning communityAnother of the characteristics of #YoSigoUGR is that participation in its community and attendance, or teaching of courses, is not restricted or limited to students and researchers of the University of Granada. Any student and professor from any European and Latin American university can freely participate. We are also open to other professional communities.

The origin of the platform

The project #yosigopublicando (currently #YoSigoUGR ) was born as a reaction to the situation of confinement we were forced into in March 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic. At the time, the aim was to virtualise the courses of the Research Promotion Plan of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Transferdirected at the time by Daniel Torres-Salinas who would lead the initiative. Therefore, these virtual courses aimed to serve two communities with common but diverse interests: researchers with more established careers, and postgraduate students in the formative stages of their research or professional careers.

One of the most remarkable features of our community was the quick reaction to the COVID crisis19 as we launched the first course on 24 March, less than two weeks after the unexpected confinement. #yosigopublicando continued in the 2020/2021 academic year in the same format and structure. Thanks to the institutional and unambiguous support of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Transferas well as the International Graduate School, the initiative, despite being a homemade emergency and action-oriented response, has achieved a wide dissemination and high rates of participation and acceptance. With the change of government at the University of Granada in 2023, the #YoSigoUGR initiative continues to be endorsed by three vice-rectorships (1) Vice-rectorate for Social Innovation, Employability and Entrepreneurship (2) Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer (3) Vice-rectorate for Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning.

Teaching innovation and special action plan

It is precisely in order to be able to continue the work of the #yosigopublicando during the academic year 2020/2021 a request was made for a "Innovation and good teaching practices project", within the programme "Advanced and Coordinated Teaching Innovation Projects".financed in a competitive call for proposals by the Quality, Teaching Innovation and Foresight Unit. The project was solicited by Daniel Torres-Salinas under the title ".yosigopublicando: platform for the training of researchers and postgraduate/master's students"and it was definitively awarded on 18 December 2020 with a financial amount of 3.000 Euros and code 20-140. The project has also been additionally funded with a grant of 1,500 Euros through a special action of the Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia (Research and Transfer Plan). The platform that you are currently using and that we have inaugurated in the academic year 2021/2022 (3rd Season). We would like to thank SI2the supercompany in charge of web development. The platform has also continued to evolve during the academic year with another teaching innovation project, with the same characteristics as the previous one, financed with 3000 Euros during the 2022-2023 academic year and led by Professor Nicolás Robinson.

Some evolutionary milestones

  • March 2020 - The initiative is born during COVID
  • April 2020 - Telegram group created
  • April - A commission of enquiry is set up
  • January 2021 the platform is developed to enable profiling.
  • February 2021 All videos are uploaded to an own youtbe channel.
  • January 2022-New functionalities such as communities are developed.
  • June 2023 - A newsletter is created
  • September 2023 - The Commission of Inquiry renews 10 members
  • September 2023 - Topics are expanded to cover teaching issues
  • February 2024 - We change the name to #YosigoUGR

Cumulative data

  • 2021
    • 110 Courses organised and uploaded to Youtube
    • 1,163 users with an active profile on the new site
    • A collective 67 teachers
  • 2022
    • 135 Courses organised and uploaded to YouTube
    • 4047 user with active profile on the new website
    • A collective of 92 teachers
  • 2023
    • 184 Courses organised and uploaded to YouTube
    • 5001 users with active profile on the new website
    • A collective of 121 teachers
  • 2024
    • Pending course completion

Open Telegram group

Don't know which journal to choose to publish in? don't know how to share research data? want to know what the H-index is? are you preparing a research project and have doubts?


If you have any doubts or incidents, you want to collaborate by giving a course or you have any suggestions, you can contact us through the contact form or our Telegram group.
