Ramón y Cajal's rules and advice on scientific research

Ramón y Cajal, Santiago. Rules and advice on scientific research. Los Tónicos de la Voluntad.

For Ramón y Cajal, every man can be, if he sets his mind to it, a sculptor of his own brain and, convinced that every great work is the result of a great passion placed at the service of a great idea, he offers in the first chapters a series of advice and warnings to young students, trying to promote their enthusiasm for laboratory work. In the final chapters, the researcher analyses the duties of the state towards science and its obligations to the indispensable promotion of the scientist. Nobel laureate Severo Ochoa also enriches this edition with a warm prologue in which he expresses his admiration for Don Santiago and shares with him his concern for the promotion of scientific research in our country. Santiago Ramón y Cajal received the 1906 Nobel Prize for Medicine for his research into the structure of the nervous system.


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