Torres-Salinas, D.; Cabezas-Clavijo, A. How to publish in scientific journals of impact: tips and rules on scientific publication. EC3 Working Papers, N 13, September 2013.
Publishing in the so-called impact journals, identified as those indexed in the Thomson-Reuters databases, has become the main objective of researchers and R&D institutions. Therefore, in this course we present some tips to maximise the chances of acceptance of manuscripts submitted to this type of journals. First, we define what an impact journal is and its benefits for both researchers and institutions. Then we develop some aspects to consider during the preparation of the manuscript such as authorship, the preparation of tables and graphs or the preparation of bibliographical references. Once the manuscript has been prepared, we concentrate on the fundamental criteria for selecting the appropriate journal. Finally, we review different factors to take into account during the submission process and, once submitted, we focus on the peer review process and the response to reviewers.