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Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho

Department of Contemporary History
University of Granada
Researcher and lecturer in the Department of Contemporary History at the UGR and Coordinator of Citizen Science at the Vice-Rectorate for Social Innov. Social, Employability and Entrepreneurship. Specialist in Citizen Science, Citizen Humanities, Crowdsourcing and Digital Humanities. PI of the following research projects: Co-History: Analysis of Public Participation in historical research from the field of citizen science (E-HUM-507-UGR18); Crowdsourcing in History. New participatory and inclusive methodological challenges in historical research in Spain (PID2020-117619RB-I00) and e-xiliad@s Project (Ref. 15/07/2011 and 31/12/2011).
Many students attended in their courses!Many students attended in their courses!

The courses of Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho
