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Tips for successful grant applications: experiences from the applicant and the reviewer point of view

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Kirk Erickson is Professor of Psychology and also holds appointments in the School of Medicine, the Hillman Cancer Center, the Healthy Lifestyle Institute, and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at the University of Pittsburgh.  He is currently doing a research stay in Granada thanks to the Visiting Scholar program granted by the University of Granada. He has been extremely successful in obtaining grant funding for large and ambitious projects and has been instrumental in obtaining close to $50 million dollars of grant funds in the last 8 years. As an example, he is the PI of the IGNITE multicenter exercise trial in the USA which has received more than $30 million dollars, in addition to a number of other grants obtained over the last several years. In addition, he reviews more than 30 grant applications each year for the NIH in the USA, which has given him unique practical knowledge as both a successful applicant and experienced project reviewer. For his talk he will share with the UGR community his advice and tips on writing successful grant applications.

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Facultad de Ciencias Política y Sociología

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